If you are visiting at the House of the Lord or recently started attending we want to say
This page has been specifically created to get you started in fellowship. Below you will find information that quickly enables you to settle in and become an involved and contributing member of this part of God's household. We are a part of the body of Christ and we acknowledge that every one of us has a meaningful role to play.
If you are new to church "life" we suggest that you download the booklet titled
- it will give you some very helpful hints.
"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD" Ps 122:1
Step-By-Step Guide
Use this step-by-step guide to a more intimate walk with God, a deeper relationship with Jesus and greater obedience to the Holy Spirit. You will also grow in fellowship with others at the House of the Lord and get to be more involved with ministry.
You don’t need to take every step but every step you do take will get you more fulfilled, spiritually and socially, in the Body of Christ! Essentially you are creating your own, personalised, “Road Map” or “Growth Plan”.
So let’s get started….
• Read the steps carefully and then select the option that best matches your needs and desires!
• You do not have to complete every step however the steps are arranged in a sequence that will benefit your growth and involvement.
• If any step does not apply to you, simply move on to the next step. Each step you select will lead you to more information or an action which you can either take or defer.
• If you defer a step return to this page then continue where you left off previously.
Church Life!
1. Are you currently attending church… [at the House of the Lord] [No] [Elsewhere]
2. Are you new to our church and want to know more about us? [Yes] [No]
3. Are you a member of our church and want to know more about us? [Yes] [No]
4. Have you been attending our church for a while but feel unfulfilled? [Yes] [No]
5. Would you like to become a member of our church? [Yes] [No] [Need more info]
6. Do you give financially to the ministry of the church? [Yes] [Should I]
Spiritual Life!
7. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour? [Yes] [No] [Don’t Understand]
8. Have you been baptised? [As a child] [As a believer] [No] [Don’t Understand]
9. Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? [Yes] [No] [Don’t Understand]
10. Do you have a Bible? [Yes] [No]
11. Do you read your Bible regularly? [Yes] [No]
12. Do you pray regularly? [Yes] [No]
13. Would you like to grow your prayer life? [Yes] [No] [I’m happy with my prayer life]
14. Do you belong to a prayer group or prayer chain? [No] [Yes] [I would like to]
15. Have you ever completed Discipleship training? [Yes] [No] [I would like to]
16. Do you enjoy watching videos of messages preached in church? [Yes] [No]
Family Life!
17. Do you have children under the age of 18? [3mths-5yrs] [3-12] [ 6-18] [19-23]
18. Are you… [Married, living together] [Married, separated] [Not married] [Getting married soon]
19. Are both you and your spouse employed? [Yes] [No]
20. Are you single? [Yes]
21. Do your children under the age of 23… [Stay at home] [Attend Nursery School] [Attend School] [Attend College or University]?
22. Are you a young family or a single person between the ages 20 and 50? [Yes]
23. Are you a senior citizen over the age of 50? [Yes]
24. Have your children under the age of 5 been… [Dedicated] [Baptised] [Neither]
Ministry Life!
If you answer Yes to any of the ministries below [click here] to complete our ministry information form. We WILL get back to you!
25. Would you like to be involved in our Children’s Ministry?
26. Would you like to be involved in our Youth Ministry?
27. Would you like to be involved in our Hospitality Ministry?
28. Would you like to be involved in our Worship Ministry?
29. Would you like to be involved in our Technical Ministry?
30. Would you like to be involved in our Missions Ministry?
31. Would you like to be involved in our Seniors Ministry?
32. Would you like to be involved in our Young Adults Ministry?
33. Would you like to be involved in our Evangelism Ministry?
Personal Growth!
34. Have you ever completed an analysis of your spiritual giftings? [No, I would like to]
35. Have you ever completed an analysis of your character and temperament? [No, I would like to]. After completion of the analysis you can [click here] to interpret your score!
36. Do you use Facebook? [Yes]
37. Do you use Twitter? [Yes]
38. Would you like to study for the ministry? [Yes]
We acknowledge the headship of Jesus Christ over His body and submit ourselves to Him to be guided into doing the perfect will of God. We rely on the Holy Spirit to teach us all things and lead us into all truth. [more...]
After The Great Decision
You have made the great decision to live for Christ. From this day forward the whole direction and purpose of your life is changed. Heaven is your destination. You are now a person of destiny; as long as the stars of heaven shine, as long as God above lives, so you will live.
For more information on our school ministries click on this picture and then select the relevant picture on the ministries page!
Electronic Banking with HOTL!
Use the Internet it's so much easier!
Donating to HOTL by using electronic banking saves on banking charges, thereby making more financial resources available to the Kingdom.
Want to know more... click here and go to the "Other Media" page. There you will find lots of resources for your use as a member or visitor at the House of the Lord.
The well known promise of God Almighty hovers over us … if my people …
You have most likely heard this scripture, and have turned to it as a source of hope in times of great need. Someone once said: A text without a context is just a con.
Our Focus is to create a context for this well known scripture!